Table of Contents

Officer Cards

First of all. Whats important to understand the difference between two type of cards for the officer.

Deck Cards. These are displayed grayed out and cannot be clicked. They can be set to a certain percentage to turn to hand cards at start of turn.

Hand Cards. These are normally displayed and can be clicked to play.

There are two kinds of approaches to let your scenario deal with the cards. First you set the hand and deck cards in the editor in the historical unit tab. Second is you use execs to modify officer cards.

Officer Cards Execs

Ok lets go over a few briefly.


This requires a unit slot number and a stringlist ID number. The stringlist has to have the following columns: 0 = weight for random selection (weight 2 has more chance to be selected than weight 1) 1 = actioncard slot number to be given 2 = chance% this deck card can turn into a hand card. 3 = optional string to be added to the description of the historical unit. leave empty for no effect.


This function is a bit of a pain. Sorry for the hacky coding. But with the explanation here it will open up a lot of options to you: It requires either a unit slot number of a historical ID number, whichever you chose put the other to -1. Furthermore it requires a actioncard slot number and a % chance this deck card to be given can be turned into a hand card.

So far it looks identical to the previous except for the fact the deckcard is not randomly chosen from a stringlist but specified directly.

However there are a number of overrules you can give to the last perimeter of this function 'percentage chance' that really turn this function into something completely different:

specifying -1 = if officer has the specified actioncard in its deckcards it is removed.

specifying -2 = removes ALL deckcards from this officer.

specifying -3 = does the same as -2 but ALSO removes ALL handcards from this officer.

specifying -4 = if officer has the specified actioncard in its handcards it is removed.

specifying -5 = will NOT add card. But if card is present in deckcards it will set its chance to become a handcard to 0%.

specifying -6 = will NOT add card. But if card is present in deckcards it will set its chance to become a handcard to 100%.

In Case Blue these hacks are used a lot because the system with officer cards is different in Case Blue from Warsaw To Paris and ATG. In Warsaw To Paris the officers just receive deck cards with percentages and thats it. Same in ATG. When the card is played it will go back to the deckcards and will take a couple of rounds before the chance% is hit again and the card returns to the handcards. In Case Blue I have added historical unit variables to the officers giving them command points to play cards.


Just removes all hand and deck cards. (As well as autoevents).


Can also be used to check deck and hand cards.