August development progress report

Hi guys. Well I’ll be able to keep this posting short. I took a few weeks of vacation with my significant other half and there is not so much to report.

There was finally after a long testing period a new gold patch for Advanced Tactics and the Decisive Campaigns series. Among others (a lot of small bug fixes) ATG has improved AI production resulting in more challenging performance and the DC Case Blue AI is now more capable in finishing off encircled units. Also the high command orders for long running games in Case Blue have been much improved and will naturally let the initiative pass from the Germans to the Soviets when the Germans get stuck in the fall/winter of 1942. Also with this patch I am quite confident all Windows7 microsoft graphics upgrade and Windows8 issues have been resolved.

On the workname Empire front I am making progress. Have the first chapter of the campaign running and working on designing the GUI for the first screen (scenario setup). Its quite a challenge to design everything so it will work well and pixel precise on big monitor screens and small tablet screens at the same time and in a diversity of resolutions.

Kind regards,

This entry was posted in ATG: Advanced Tactics Gold, DC:Blitzkrieg, DC:Case Blue. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to August development progress report

  1. bearro says:

    Nothing new on DC3 front? That’s my most awaited game of this year! :)

  2. vic says:

    In fact there is some progress being made on the DC3 front. But since I am working on this project now with a talented 3rd party I am not disclosing anything yet. However I can see the game design docs make me very enthusiastic and I think DC3 has the potential to be the best in the series so far.

  3. bearro says:

    Thanks Vic! Great to hear to game is going forward! The larger scope is really inciting :)

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